Monday, April 23, 2007

The Oldest Book I Own

"I never heard of ‘Uglification.'" Alice ventured to say. "What is it?"

The Gryphon lifted up both its paws in surprise. "Never heard of uglifying!" it exclaimed. "You know what to beautify is, I suppose?"

"Yes," said Alice doubtfully: "it means–to–make–anything–prettier."

"Well then," the Gryphon went on, "if you don’t know what to uglify is, you are a simpleton."

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland–Lewis Carroll

The oldest book I own is Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. While it is not a first edition of either book, it is marked as a new edition of the two stories appearing in the same book. It was published in 1885.

The book was originally given to Sadie Knight. The inscription inside the book reads: Presented to Sadie Knight, as a testimonial of fidelity in attending church every Sunday during the year 1885. By her pastor, W.J.Burns Camden, N.J. New Year 1886

The book was given to me by my father around 1975-76. He had bought it at a yard sale for me. I was thrilled to get such a gift. I have always loved books. At the time I was about 10. I remember looking over the book very carefully, marveling at all the illustrations. There are ninety-two illustrations in the book by John Tenniel.

When I saw the date it was published I became very excited to think that I had a book that was nearly 100 years old. I remember wanting to hold onto the book until it turned 100, wondering if that would even be possible.

I had a childish notion that when the book was 100 years old it would be worth a lot of money. I would then sell it and realize all my childhood dreams!

I believe I read the book once, being very careful with it because of its age. Today it is in fair condition. Not because I was careless with it. I think that age is simply taking it’s toll. Afterall, the book is now one hundred twenty-two years old and it has not spent the last few years in a museum.

I maintained the ownership of the volume but had forgotten about it. It wasn’t until I was out of college and in my first apartment when I rediscovered the book. By then it was 1989, the book was 104 years old. I was a little sad that I had let it’s centennial pass without ceremony.

But I had a sense of accomplishment, I had helped a book survive a century. The book has a prominent place on the book shelf. I will always treasure it for the classic that it is and that it was a gift from my father.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Poet Is

"A poet is someone who can pour light into a cup and then raise it to nourish your beautiful--perhaps parched--holy mouth." -- Hafiz

The second Monday of the month is a night I really look forward to in any given month. I have dedicated it to the listening and the reading of poetry. Some times I am entertained, sometimes bored. Other times I can be shocked and sometimes find myself nodding in agreement. Whatever my response, I just enjoy sitting amoung other poets.

There is no mystery there. People like to be with people that are similar to them. When I am crafting, I have the same synergy. When I go to a concert, I get the same feeling. It's nice to have that stimulus of other people.

Although, I think I rely too much on that stimulus. When I am driving home from a poetry event I am thinking, "ok, you need to crank out a poem before your head hits the pillow." But then I walk in the door and the cat's dish is nearly empty, the bed needs to be cleared of the mail and what I wore to work that day, and a couple calls on the answering machine that force you to find a pencil and paper so you can jot down a really important number. Then you look at the clock and after a few quick preparations, you are under the covers, asleep.

I want to be a poet that pours light into a cup and raises it nourish my beautiful, parched, holy mouth.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

April Fool's Day Eve

I blame my sister for this.........I spoke with her yesterday. We were talking about her blog. I told her how much I liked her blog, the site looks good. She replied, you should start a blog. I was thinking yeah, I have time for that. But I am going to try to make the time. With being back in school, I haven't really given the time I would like to my creative side. I have probably only cranked out about a half a dozen poems in the last year, not exactly a stellar showing. So, here's to a new year and a new endeavor and all that it might reveal.